Spaguard Enhanced Shock

Enhanced Shock

SpaGuard’s most complete product for routine maintenance

  • Multi-purpose shock with four benefits in one: shock, clarifier, flocculent and pH buffer
  • Restores water sparkle and removes unpleasant odors
  • Treat and soak in as soon as 15 minutes*
  • Compatible with chlorinated or brominated spas and those using ozone or ionization systems

Destroying organic contaminants from the environment and bathers is important


When people use spas, they leave undesirable compounds like body oils, perspiration and cosmetics that can irritate skin, burn eyes and create odors. Oxidizing, also known as shocking the water, removes these compounds and restores water clarity and comfort.


Isn’t shocking just for when your water has a problem?


No! Shocking should be part of your regular spa maintenance. While it does help with troubleshooting, routine treatment helps provide the correct chemical balance your spa water needs to keep the water clear, odor-free and comfortable. Shocking should be done weekly in most spas and more frequently for heavily used or commercial spas.